
5th International Metaproteomics Symposium, 25-27 April 2023, Avignon (FR)

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The 5th International Metaproteomics Symposium will take place over 3 days, from 25 to 27 April 2023, under the theme "Unlocking microbiome functions". The symposium aims to bring together a growing international community of researchers and experts to advance the metaproteomics field and address its associated challenges.

The program is designed to facilitate collaboration and community-led brainstorming, with six sessions on various metaproteomics application fields/ aspects, two round tables, two additional sessions dedicated to collaborative projects and the Metaproteomic Initiative and numerous opportunities for attendees to present their work. The breaks, poster sessions, and a social event are designed to encourage networking and interactions among the attendees.

And that's not all! Two satellite workshops are also organized to provide training on metaproteomics analysis using the Galaxy platform and other informatics resources available for functional microbiome research (Workshop 1) or an hands-on metaproteomics sample preparation and MS tips (Workshop 2).

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to learn from the leading experts in the field, share your work, and network with your peers. We look forward to welcoming you in Avignon for the 5
th International Metaproteomics Symposium.

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