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Offres d'emploi proposées par le site web partenaire EuBIC/YPIC :


Emplois FPS

Post-doctoral position PROPOSAL, PROTIM Core Facility, University of Rennes, FR

A two years (possibly three) Postdoctoral Research Associate position in Mass Spectrometry is open in the team of basic hearing mechanisms and precision medicine directed by professor Christine Petit (Institut de l’audition, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France) in collaboration with Dr Charles Pineau (Protim Core facility, Biosit, Rennes, France).
The project focuses on developing mass spectrometry proteomics approaches to probe protein expression in normal and pathological hearing.

Successful candidate should have a PhD in Chemistry, Biochemistry, or a relevant subject area, or have submitted his(her) thesis prior to taking up the appointment. Candidate should have expertise in characterization of proteins using relevant proteomics strategies.
Duties will include managing own academic research and administrative activities. This involves small scale project management, coordinating multiple aspects of work to meet deadlines and collaborating in the preparation of scientific reports and journal articles.

This post requires excellent analytical skills, experience with a broad range of proteomics workflows, strong capability in data analysis and visualization, and good communication and reporting skills.

The post will be based at the Protim Core facility, Rennes (www.protim.eu) and is available immediately, fixed term for 24 months with a possible 12 months extension. This post will require back and forth between Rennes and Paris on a monthly basis to report on progresses of the project.
You will be required to provide a supporting statement and CV as part of your application.
Applications will be analyzed on the fly. Interviews will take place soon after.

Salary: Salary according to experience and based on the salary scale of the Pasteur Institute

Charles Pineau : charles.pineau@inserm.fr Tel +33 (0)2 2323 5072
Christine Petit: christine.petit@pasteur.fr Tel +33 (0)1 7653 5095

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