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Offres d'emploi proposées par le site web partenaire EuBIC/YPIC :


Emplois FPS

Post-doctoral position with experience in mass spectrometry/proteomic

PAPPSO proteomic platform (http://pappso.inrae.fr/),
Unity MICALIS, INRAE, AgroParisTech, University Paris-Saclay, France
Contract: 18 months, Start : in February 2024
Contact and application: Céline Henry (celine.henry@inrae.fr): CV, cover letter and contact details of 3 references.

Lab: The activity will be carried out within the PAPPSO platform, INRAE, AgroParisTech, University Paris-Saclay, Joint Research Unit "Food Microbiology for Health", MICALIS, bringing together more than 350 people in 21 teams and located at INRAE in Jouy-en-Josas (closed from Versailles). PAPPSO is labeled by INRAE and by IBiSA and brings together 10 permanent people with skills in protein and peptide biochemistry, mass spectrometry, statistics and bioinformatics. PAPPSO is also ISO: 9001 certified. The platform is active in the development of analytical methods, bio-informatics tools for the identification and quantification of proteins as well as strong expertise in the analysis of post-translational modifications.

Position: The recruited Post-doc will be in charge of samples analysis by mass spectrometry in a national project MISD. This project focuses on understanding a poorly understood metabolic pathway of microbial sulfur disproportionation or dismutation (MSD) in hydrothermal ecosystems, and aims to “improve our understanding of this energetic reaction, in a hydrothermal context, in order to document the ecophysiology of the taxa that carry it out, the catabolic pathways at work and to provide information on the antiquity of this reaction with respect to sulfate-reduction”. The project will provide new knowledge on the role and evolution of microbial sulfur disproportionation in hydrothermal vent ecosystems.


  • Choose and adapt analysis and experimentation technologies according to the objectives of the partners' research projects in the field of proteomics
  • Optimize sample preparation, perform proteomic analyzes by LC-MS / MS, analyze data (bio-informatic)
  • Use tools and software dedicated to data processing and piloting experiments
  • Participate in the promotion of results with partners
  • Participate in the life of the platform: meetings, quality policy, training actions, communication, technical watch


  • General knowledge of biology, protein biochemistry
  • Experience in mass spectrometry / proteomics desired
  • Computer skills and basic statistics (R language) highly desirable
  • Written and oral comprehension of English: level 1. Written and oral expression: level 1

Personal abilities:

  • The recruited person must demonstrate good organization, a strong sense of teamwork and great rigor
  • Relational skills essential
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